Sunday, February 12, 2012

And this, is Cameron :)

Cameron is a nut!! Here he is in his "Pider-guy", "Cap Merica" costume. And this pretty much sums it up :)

Cameron is his own person. He wants to do things on his own and we're in the midst of the 'terrible twos' where he throws fits when he isn't allowed to do things his way whenever he wants!!

He's also hilarious and full of words. I think second children have it harder because they're constantly compared with their older sibling. Luckily, I don't remember when James did anything, so every Cam does is AMAZING!

Some cute 'Camisms' at this point:
- Cap Merica
- Pider-guy
- Supe-man
(Notice a theme?? He loves everything his brother loves!)
- He repeats us as we pray with him each night.
- He LOVES the 'shark prayer' that we're SO excited (insert sarcasm here) James introduced to the family. It's fun putting your hands on top of your head to make a shark fan no matter where we eat dinner.
- He says "Jas burp" or "Tameron burp"
- He is very polite and always says "Peas" and "Tant tu".
- Earlier today, he sneezed a couple times in a row and then said, "Say bess you Mommy".

Cameron makes us laugh daily and it's so fun being his mom!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

James' Prayer

We have a routine every night with the boys. They put on PJs, brush their teeth, go potty, and then each of them gets to pick a book. After reading, we ask James what he's thankful for and then we pray over them. Last night, was Ben's bed night, and James told him at dinner that he was going to say the prayer before bed. He usually prayers before dinner, but it's a memorized prayer so he doesn't think much of it. At dinner, he said that he was going to try real hard and do his best and say a prayer. Ben said James even went through the routine of asking Ben and Cameron what they were thankful for before he prayed. Ben said he did a good job.

This was his prayer tonight (night 2 of praying for the family):

Dear God,
We thank you for this day and we love you. We love you because of the toys and the food you give us to eat and to play with. We thank you for the refrigerators that we can keep our food in and we thank you for the stores that we can go to when we run out of food so we won't be hungry. We thank you for the builders who make our houses so we don't have to be out in the rain or cold so we don't catch a cold. We thank you for our pajamas that we have to sleep in.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Silliness at Target

James actually offered to go to the store with me, which NEVER happens. I'm pretty sure he only offered because when we were there after school, he picked out some Skittles for dessert and had to leave them at the store because Mommy forgot her wallet :(

Anyway, he picked jelly beans on our second trip. I'm not a mom who opens food in stores because I know there are people who let their kids eat an entire package of something and then leave the wrapper somewhere without paying for it, and I don't want to be that mom, so James was surprised when I opened the package as we waited in line. 

"Mommy, can I eat ALL of them?" 

Of course I told him he couldn't and told him he could have 10.  When we got up to the register, he handed the bag to her and when she asked if he wanted to hold them or put them in the bag, I asked if he'd finished his 10. 

"Oopps!" was his response. The cashier laughed because she knew what that meant. 

Me: "How many did you have? 25? 37?" 

James: (sheepishly) "11."

Me: "I'll let you slide with 11 this time." :)

On the way out, I told him we'd have to take the jelly beans with us to Grandpa's tomorrow because he loves the black jelly beans and we could share with him. James looked at me with a sad face and said, "We can take them with us, but if he eats all of them, I'll be sad."

And finally- unrelated to jelly beans... I started pulling out of the parking spot, and James said, "Mommy, I'm not buckled! .... Did you hear the 'chichik' (noise) that tells you I'm buckled?!?"