Thursday, February 2, 2012

Silliness at Target

James actually offered to go to the store with me, which NEVER happens. I'm pretty sure he only offered because when we were there after school, he picked out some Skittles for dessert and had to leave them at the store because Mommy forgot her wallet :(

Anyway, he picked jelly beans on our second trip. I'm not a mom who opens food in stores because I know there are people who let their kids eat an entire package of something and then leave the wrapper somewhere without paying for it, and I don't want to be that mom, so James was surprised when I opened the package as we waited in line. 

"Mommy, can I eat ALL of them?" 

Of course I told him he couldn't and told him he could have 10.  When we got up to the register, he handed the bag to her and when she asked if he wanted to hold them or put them in the bag, I asked if he'd finished his 10. 

"Oopps!" was his response. The cashier laughed because she knew what that meant. 

Me: "How many did you have? 25? 37?" 

James: (sheepishly) "11."

Me: "I'll let you slide with 11 this time." :)

On the way out, I told him we'd have to take the jelly beans with us to Grandpa's tomorrow because he loves the black jelly beans and we could share with him. James looked at me with a sad face and said, "We can take them with us, but if he eats all of them, I'll be sad."

And finally- unrelated to jelly beans... I started pulling out of the parking spot, and James said, "Mommy, I'm not buckled! .... Did you hear the 'chichik' (noise) that tells you I'm buckled?!?" 

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