Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Jamesisms" from 2011

This is a LONG one, so beware. These are my favorite "Jameisms" from the past year. I copied all our family-related status updates from last year. Yet another reason why wanted to start a blog (I could only go back and retrieve the past year's).

J: Mommy, I can't grown-up whistle. I can just go "woo woo" and that's a train whistle. But when I turn 4 then I will be able to grown-up whistle.

James: This is what Katelyn brought for show and tell (toy). Me: Oh, no, James. I'm sorry we forgot show and tell! What did you show? James: I just showed them my shirt. (Broke my heart!) Me: What did you tell them about it? James: (shrugs and smiles) I told them my daddy got it for me. -He said he was a little sad but it was ok. I'm SO thankful for an easy-going kid!

James just unknowingly corrected Hulk's (Super Hero Squad cartoon) grammar. Hulk said, "Hulk don't understand," and my sweet, proper English speaking boy said, "Mommy, Hulk said, 'Hulk doesn't understand.'" I love it!

Me: Boys, let's go upstairs.
James: Mommy, I'm an owl. I stay awake when it's night-night time and I go to sleep when it's wake-up time... nice try, buddy!

James' instructions when getting in the car: Mommy, don't crash the car. - you have to love his confidence in my abilities ;-)

‎(praying with James) Me: James, what are you going to thank God for tonight?
James: I'm going to thank Him for 5 things. I thank Him for my carpet, for my puzzles, for my books, for my shark frisbee that I'm going to take with me to Granny's next time I go and I'm gonna play with it in her pool because it's a pool frisbee... that's 4 things. And I thank Him for my fan.

Me: James, did you and Daddy (Ben Hollander) buy some dirt to plant your carrot seeds?
James: Yep. We bought potty dirt. Me: Do you mean potting soil?
James: Oh, yea, potty soil.

A conversation with James earlier...
James: Mommy, I'm getting bigger.
Me: James, you're getting bigger every day. Your brother is, too.
James: Yeah, but not as big as me. And we help each other.
Me: You do? How does he help you?
James: He gives me hugs and kisses. I'm thankful for that.

My silly superhero addict put yellow stickers on his hands and said, "Mommy, look, I'm Ironman" :)

James had a GREAT time at t-ball!! I asked him what his favorite part was, and he said, "Playing baseball." I guess he liked it all :)

Mission Impossible 75: James "can do it myself" so he wanted to unbutton all 5 buttons on his shirt before bed.
Time: 2-3 minutes
Frustration level: Mid-High
Reaction after accomplishing his goal: Pride and excitement!!

On our way to the campsite... James: Mommy, before I go to bed I'm gonna pee in the woods.

James: Mommy, Jesus is in heaven. And He's alive. And He's risen. But He's still in our hearts. First He was a baby but now He's a grown-up.

J: I buckled myself. Me: You're getting good at that, dude. J: I think I'm already 4 years old. -His bday is in July :)

James tripped walking out of church earlier, so I asked him if he was ok. James: "Yep. I just keep tripping. I've got the trips today!"

Tonight James and I read a Clifford book that talked about Clifford's favorite things, so on each page I had James tell me which picture was his favorite. On the animal page he said the octopus, on the vehicle page he said the race car, and on the music page (without hesitation or bothering to look at the options), "Air guitar!" :)

After being away from Mom since Monday, James was ready to see me today. My aunt said he brought his pillow, blanket, and toothbrush downstairs and put them by the door as soon as he woke up this morning :) Cam clinged to me from the moment I got there and cried when I put him in his carseat so we could leave because he thought I was leaving him again. Poor guy!

James: We're playing 'Cameron pour water on James while James is jumping'. -- He's creative in many aspects of life but not so much in how he titles his activities!

Me: James, will you please get forks for you and Cam?
James: Yes. I will get forks because that's my job. And cooking lunch is your job.
Me: And what's your brother's job?
James: His job is waiting and eating.

On our way to celebrate my brother-in-law, Eric's, birthday and James is making up songs for each of the Superhero Squad guys. I love it! 'Thor! Hammer, hammer, hammer!' 'Superhero Squad (drawn out)! Yea, yea, yea, yea!' =)

Ben Hollander (to James): How'd you get so good at building with Legos?
James: I don't know.
Ben: Are you just a natural?
James: Ya. I just naturaled.

James and I were talking about how much he loves his brother and he still will when he's a grown up like I love my brother and sister...
James: Mommy, I want a sister.
Me: You do?
James: Yes. Mommy, grow me a sister in your tummy, please.
Me: hahahaha!

James can swim!! He did a great job tonight without his floaties!

Tonight James wanted to thank God for 6 things (he usually ranges anywhere from 1-20 :).
"I thank Him for Destin and Jamie (Destin Garner and jamie garner); that's 1. I thank Him for my fan; that's 2. I thank Him for my lamp; that's 3. I thank Him for my house; that's 4. I thank Him for my family that He gave me; that's 5. I thank Him for my mommy; that's 6."

My awesome 4-year-old can jump off the diving board into 10 foot deep water and swim to the edge with NO floaties! He rocks!!

James: 'Dad, my mom's gonna turn 31 before you turn 30.' (grinning at Mom)

He went to bed a couple hours ago, but I forgot to share!
(James was spinning his toothbrush around in his mouth and swaying back and forth) Me: James, stop spinning your toothbrush, and clean your teeth.
James: But there's music in my head.

James (on seeing the line-up tonight): They said Romo! I guess his boo-boo is better!

James: Mommy, can I do my homework, now? (I'll be sad when this phase is over!!)

JAMES: Mommy, there's a huge food football game going on in my tummy right now. (Translation: I'm hungry.)

It's awesome that James calls his little brother, "Dude." Cracks me up!

James has had his bike for a year and a half and he really rode it for for the first time today. I'm a proud momma!

James is all bundled up for his field trip... He said if he gets cold he won't be able to play, so I told him if he gets cold he needs to jump around. "Ok, Mommy. I'll do the jump and spin move Destin taught me."

James: Mommy, tomorrow is Saturday, so you have nothing to do but stay home and play with me. (It's Mommy's favorite day all week!!!)

James went with me to Walgreens earlier. I used a cart (as a walker) while shopping because my back was really bothering me. When we left, I left the cart inside, and told James I hoped I'd be able to make it to the car. He said, "I'll hold your hand, Mommy." I almost melted :)

Me: Eat the rest of this and you can have dessert.
James: All this?
Me: Yes. You don't have to eat the peas or Lima beans.
James: But I like windo beans. They're so big and good.

James: Mommy, how does God see us but we don't see Him?
Me: Well, we can't be everywhere, but God can. He's a BIG God and He can see everyone.
James: Like, He can see us when we're driving in the car. But He walks with quiet footsteps, so we can't hear Him, we can only hear the sound of the other engines.

James: 2 plus 3 equals 5
Me: That's right. How did you know that?
James: I just saw it in a spot in my brain.

‎2 Jamesisms tonight:
- On our way to Gloria's at the Domain- James: I love bean dip. It's so beany.
- On our way home tonight- James: Mommy, I can't go to bed with my wiggles. They'll keep me up. Do you know how I get my wiggles out?.... By dancing (sly grin and proceeds to dance to the Chipmunks Christmas CD) :)

James: Mommy, kids can have iPods, too.
Me: Yes, they can, but you don't need one.
James: I know.... I want a DS for Christmas.
Me: (uh oh!) You haven't asked for a DS at all this Christmas.
James: No, not for this Christmas. For NEXT Christmas.
Me: (sigh of relief)
He asked for a DS this summer when several friends brought them on game day to school (he brought Chutes and Ladders) so we talked about getting one for him this Christmas, but he's been consistent in his wish-list: Star Wars toys, a train, Legos, and candy. I'm glad he knows he can't throw a new gift in 4 days before Christmas!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love reading these- they make me so happy! I'm so glad you thought to write them down and save them! What a treasure...
    - jamie
